Select it. Layer it. Love it.
Select it. Layer it. Love it.

January - Garnet

Creating what you truly want

It's your lucky day, January people, your stone symbolizes perseverance and strength. The Garnet is known as the "commitment stone" that strengthens commitment and helps you keep your aim to reach a particular goal.

February - Amethyst

Clearing negativity and confusion

New year, new chances? It’s your moment to find your balance. According to Indian belief, the Amethyst helps open the chakra of the third eye, the eye of the soul. It’s a powerful and protective stone.

March - Aquamarine

Speaking calmly with quiet wisdom

It looks like luck is on your side, March people, cause you just earned yourself eternal life. The Aquamarine is the "stone of eternal life" and is considered a stone that brings good luck to its owner and quiets the mind.

April - Crystal

Receiving divine guidance, living your purpose

Good news, April babies, it’s crystal clear that this stone will guide you to find your purpose. There is no time like the present. So use it wisely and stack it plenty. It will also enhance the power of other crystals.

May - Emerald

Healing heartbreak, receiving abundance

Emerald relieves stress and brings physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. The stone helps in times of change and will guide you in seeing new directions. It’s the unconditional love stone, so this sounds like the perfect stone to wear

June - Alexandrite

Finding joy within seeing possibilities

We are halfway through our year, and the June birthstone won’t disappoint you either - the Alexandrite will help you find joy while reaching out to new possibilities. It will remind you to fill your life with many happy moments, surrounded by people you love and love you in return!

July - Ruby

Boosting your energy to accomplish your goals

To all the July queens among us, our Ruby is just for you. Since ancient times, people have adored the ruby ​​and believed it had magical powers. Because of its rarity, the Ruby ​​was once considered a symbol of wealth and power among rulers of the past. It will give you an extra boost to achieve your goals and have positive dreams.

August - Peridot

Increasing patience, confidence, and assertiveness

Good news - the Peridot is considered a stress reducer, stimulates the mind and brings emotional balance. It clears the way to the heart with its powerful cleansing attributes. So go ahead and live the best version of your life.

September - Sapphire

Psychic awareness, insight, wisdom, self-discipline, and focus

September babies - sky is the limit. Its blue color, reminiscent of the color of the sky, represents the purity of the soul. Those who wear Sapphire can ward off jealousy, capture divine sympathy, and even make peace between enemies. It sounds like you will touch some souls wearing this gem.

October - Tourmaline

Carries the frequency of natural joy and beauty

This month is for all of you, our October beauty queens. Tourmaline is known for empowering your natural joy and beauty. Go ahead and be your natural self, beaming with confidence!

November - Citrine

Envisioning your goals & pursuing them

We are getting near the end of the year, and it’s time to reflect and dream big! This Citrine stone will help you envision your goals and push you in the right direction with a boost of self-confidence. New year’s goals, anyone?

December - Blue Topaz

Communicating with confidence & enhancing your psychic abilities

Over the years, many magical powers are attributed to the Blue Topaz, like removing sadness, giving courage, calming strong desires, strengthening love and wisdom. Blue Topaz is here to pave the way. It’ll remind you how to welcome opportunities in your life.

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